The Millennials are those roughly born between 1981 and 1996.  These are the true adopters of technology, being the first generation born under the great equalizer, the internet.  Then, the internet was mainly just the world wide web, or webpages, but it grew quickly with starting up in 1994 and by 1999 founder Bezos being named person of the yea by Time magazine.  The early part of this generation saw the birth of the music explosion under sites like Napster, the birth of social media and online shopping, as well as many more trendy inventions designed to make life more comfortable from the adoption of cell phones as reliable communication without the need for long distance charges (yes, Boomers and GenX would spend sometimes hundreds of dollars in long distance land-line charges to have several long conversations with someone in another state), and the internet at large (meaning email, the web, social media, etc.) grow into the dependency it is today.  This is the first true generation of the information age.  The age of 24-hour CNN.  This is important because the generations before tended to have faith in news sources.  The local TV station put the news on at 6 o-clock as a service, not as something the Nielsen ratings should be looking at, but with the birth of the 24-hour news cycle, news quickly became about entertainment, or putting the most exciting, engaging, graphic, or heart-wrenching stories in front of their audience to gain viewers.  This meant the unsuspecting GenXers unknowingly became helicopter parents, wanting to keep their children inside, or away from every neighbour, who was either a murder or a paedophile.  They grew up with information overload and a widening gap between people as there were more and more things to keep them indoors and entertained.

Something that was fully embraced by their children, Generation Z.

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