Living Treasures Prayer Wall

We are happy to pray for your request.

Use our quick form below to tell us more about your prayer need, and we will send it to our Prayer Partners.

If this is a life-threatening situation, call the EMERGENCY HELPLINE in your country, 911 or The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline # is 1-800-273-8255.

Please provide only as much information as is necessary so we know how to pray for you. Please do not include full names, sensitive details or excessive background information.

Welcome Treasures! You may add your prayer request to the Sister EdithRoese Prayer Wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Please note that your prayer request will only be kept for one week so we can keep prayer focused on the issues that truly need prayer. Feel free to create a new request each week you are still in need.